Best Section of the marche! :)
Damien 'papa' was going to leave for Asia again for business and so he brought us to his parents place to barbeque for us. How nice! This was on thursday 3/6 and he had to leave on monday 7/6. So after our uber long ride on thursday, like 6 hours, we had a feast! Nice! Food never fails to amaze us.
Damien papa in action
On Saturday 5/6, Damien called us after our training and told us that he was coming to pick us to bring us to a Triathlon race near the Atlantic Ocean!! It was cool to watch a TRI race overseas and there were 2 french PROs who owned the field. Many triathletes pulled out as the waves were so strong they couldn't make it out to the U-turn point in the ocean!
The Ocean is beautiful! Reminds me of the Great Ocean Road in Australia.
We also found a new supermarket nearer to our appartment and on the way there, we saw these buildings that look really familiar.
HDB in Bordeaux?
Look like HDB flats in Woodlands.
And some other stuff from lazing/walking around=).
Lazy park day
Wine from Medoc anyone? Apparently the best wine comes from there.
We had no race last week (7/6 - 13/6), but did a solid block of training. We will update again at the end of this week!
bring me back a bottle beebs.i promise to leave u some haha